Posted by: rufuskrayola | July 1, 2009

Möbius Strip?

July 1st? Where the hell has this year gone? For that matter where the hell have the last thirty-five gone? I remember the years before I graduated high school feeling like they were going to drag on for an eternity. The ironic thing is as much I say I wouldn’t want to experience those years again I seem to find myself wishing for the simplicity of childhood more and more these days.

Okay, so I was about to use the ole’ Ben Franklin Method and create a list of the Pros and Cons with the hope of figuring out whether or not being an adult was all it supposed to cracked up to be, but honestly the process seemed far more complicated than I remembered it being. That combined with the fact that I am lacking in the whole energy – slash – haven’t had enough coffee this morning – slash – not sleeping as good as I should be these days department to actually merit trying something that would require an honest to goodness level of effort and concentration to even stumble through let alone complete, I am, as usual, going to just proceed with my mindless rambling(s) until I find the point I was trying to get at.  I know I saw it lying around here somewhere?

I recently finished Michael Moorcock’s, The Sailor on the Seas of Fate: Book Two of the Elric Saga. If we haven’t established it already I am card carrying geek, deal with it. I have had these surprisingly short, tasty little novels sitting on my shelf for longer than I care to think about but never finished reading the series. I also recently started taking the train again and not driving into the Loop which has given me time to get back to reading, at least when I am not fiddling with my iPhone (more on this addiction soon). So, I am ripping through this Elric book and early on there is a ton of philosophical mumbo – jumbo, at least as I interpreted it, bouncing around between the characters about being the captain of your own ship versus letting the ship steer you. This really got me thinking about not just the paths we choose but also the influences pushing us in those directions.  Alright so I know this isn’t a revolutionary concept but it is something I used to think about quite a bit and feel pretty sure I might just get lost in the idea again (God help us all). Perhaps we find meaning, or rather superimpose it, in things when we are seeking out answers. So does that mean we find the answers where we aren’t looking because we already have them floating around inside our mixed up gooey noggins, or are there outside influences dropping hints to shift our attention one way or another? This brings me to the fact that I have also recently been thinking a lot about higher powers, both the positive and negative ones. I have never been an overly religious person, however I have always felt I am a pretty spiritual person (I know it is sort of a copout excuse for those too lazy to get out bed on a Sunday morning and go to church). So I guess my reason for bringing up the whole higher power point is to interject the idea that perhaps we aren’t always in control or at least not completely. The question is whether we the helmsman or the captain? Who is issuing the orders? Or are we both and at the same time expected to be responsible for both steering the ship and deciding which direction we should go?

Okay so I have sucessfully acomplished my meanderings here and I still don’t really think I found an answer. Perhaps there is some to be said about that as well?


  1. Holy Cow! Ryan….I just read thru your blog. By-pass? I’m going in next Tuesday, July 7th. What a coincidence! You’ve lost an incredible 145 pounds…how proud of yourself you must be.

    • So are you having the procedure done next week? If you haven’t done it yet I would recommend registering at I found a ton of great information there and the support of everyone is amazing.

      Good luck and keep me posted.

      – ry

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